Graphene delivers step-change in HDPE Performance


Using First Graphene’s PureGRAPH products the High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) showed improvements in strength, wear resistance and longevity. The initial results, confirm the potential of PureGRAPH graphene as a high performing additive for the global HDPE industry.

HDPE is a thermoplastic polymer widely used in packaging (cosmetics, food and beverages), corrosion-resistant piping, geomembranes and plastic timbers. The global market for HDPE was estimated at USD 59 Billion in 2015, with a CAGR of 4%.

Craig McGuckin – Managing Director, First Graphene Ltd. believes this an important first step for PureGRAPH products into this important global market.

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Test Results showing ultimate tensile improvements (>10%), defined as the stress (Mpa) at Moment of rupture and calculated using standard test method for tensile properties of plastics (ASTM D638-14). Yield strength improvements (>60%), defined as the stress (Mpa) limit of elastic behaviour and calculated using standard test method for tensile properties of plastics (ASTM D638-14). Abrasion loss reduction (>50%), defined as a volume loss (mm3) under abrasion and calculated using an internal method designed to simulate an accelerated abrasive environment.

This trial confirms that PureGRAPH graphene products successfully enhance the performance of HDPE materials in industrial applications. This is an important milestone in our strategy to develop additives for thermoplastic materials”. said Mr McGuckin.

The capability of First Graphene PureGRAPH technology enabled significant mechanical improvements.

A low dosage of less than one per cent of PureGRAPH has generated an increase in yield strength of more than 60 per cent, when compared to the base HDPE product,” said Mr McGuckin.

Samples showed a more than 10 per cent increase in ultimate tensile strength and at the same concentration, abrasion loss was reduced by more than 50 per cent.”

The project will now move to a larger scale trial in real-world, ocean conditions, commencing in August 2020.